Buckin’ in the Ozarks showcases some of the most promising rising stars of bull riding, alongside rookies and veterans, as the competitors face off against the most famous animal athletes in the business. Bull Riding is a judged event where a cowboy climbs on the back of an almost one-ton bull that is bred to buck. The rider must stay abroad the bull’s back for eight seconds and is judged on control and stability. The rider can earn extra points for spurring. The cowboy is secured by one hand on the bull rope. He must not allow his free hand to touch himself, the bull, or the equipment. A bell is attached to the bottom of the bull rope to add weight so that the rope falls off when the rider is dismounted. Rough stock bulls are bred to buck, but a soft sheepskin strap, also known as a flank strap, is placed around the flank to enhance the bucking motion. It is eight INTENSE seconds of agility and power with a face-off between bull and rider. Who will you be rooting for?
The Rodeo of the Ozarks began in 1944 by a group of Springdale men and women led by founder, Shorty Parsons. World War II was at its height. People were working hard and around the clock. Entertainment and relief from the unrelenting headlines were much needed. The idea of having a rodeo was born.
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