The Chowchilla Junior Fair was incorporated in 1946 as the Madera County Livestock Association. The annual fair is five days. The Fair always lands on Armed Forces Day, usually the third week of May. The Fair is also famous for the Spring Festival deep-pit BBQ put on by 200 volunteers. Nearly 8,000 people are fed over 10,000 pounds of beef in less than three hours.
The fairgrounds is also home to the Chowchilla Western Stampede, famous for its eight steer roping, the Chowchilla Speedway, and is home to year-round horse events and year-round auctions.
The Fair integrates all aspects of the community through all of the mentioned events, bringing together its residents to celebrate its heritage of agriculture and family. The Fair brings thousands of guests to its facilities with over 320 public and private rentals every year.
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