First hosted by Harry Rowell “The Rodeo King of the West” over 90 years ago, the Rowell Ranch Rodeo has provided the community with the opportunity to experience the historical sport of rodeo.
Today, the Rowell Ranch Rodeo is operated by a local non-profit organization continuing the traditional community events. The rodeo partners with many local non-profit organizations to help raise funds for a wide range of local charitable causes.
In 1921 Harry Rowell, a rancher, businessman, and philanthropist, revived the historical sport of rodeo on the athletic fields of the Burbank School in downtown Hayward. In 1925, Harry produced his first rodeo at his Dublin Canyon ranch, the current site of the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Park.
Rowell eventually became known as the biggest rodeo stock contractor in the West, supplying rodeos with cows and other animals for their events.
In 1941, he was the stock provider and also the arena director for the Bay Area’s very first Grand National Rodeo, which was held at the Cow Palace. He continued in that capacity until 1952. Over the years, he was a cattleman who showcased his stock at 25 different rodeos that he promoted throughout the West—which of course included the annual rodeo at his own Rowell Ranch.
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Join us on the 3rd weekend in May for the historic patriotic launch of the Rowell Ranch Rodeo when a lone rider gallops from Harrys' Hills into the arena ring carrying the American Flag.
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